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Reproductive Genomics

At GeneAura, we understand the importance of reproductive health in family planning. Our reproductive genetic screening services are designed to provide valuable insights into genetic factors that may impact fertility, pregnancy outcomes, and the health of future generations. This helps potential parents and their physicians understand and assess the risk of having a child with a genetic condition.

Understanding the role of genetics in reproduction is crucial for identifying potential risks and complications that may arise during pregnancy.

Common reasons for referral to a reproductive genetic counselor include:

Advanced maternal or paternal age.

Abnormal prenatal soft markers or USG finding.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss or Miscarriage.

Personal or family history of a genetic disorder.

Personal or family history of a structural or psychological birth defect.

Teratogen Exposure.

Interest in pursuing routine carrier testing for common genetic disorders.

Interpretation of Abnormal Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS).

Infertility and Genetic Factors:

According to studies, the prevalence of infertility in India ranges from 10% to 15%, with approximately 27.5 million couples experiencing fertility issues. Infertility can be influenced by genetic factors, including chromosomal abnormalities, gene mutations, and inherited genetic disorders. Some genetic conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and fragile X syndrome, can affect fertility in both men and women. A study published in the Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences reported that genetic factors contribute to approximately 20% to 30% of infertility cases in India.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL):

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) refers to the occurrence of two or more consecutive miscarriages. It affects approximately 1% to 5% of couples worldwide, with similar rates reported in India. Genetic factors, such as chromosomal abnormalities or genetic mutations in either parent, may contribute to RPL.

Benefits of Reproductive Genetic Screening:

Early Identification of Genetic Risk Factors:

Reproductive genetic screening allows for the early identification of genetic risk factors that may impact fertility and pregnancy outcomes, enabling timely intervention and personalized reproductive care.

Improved Pregnancy Planning:

By understanding their genetic risk factors, couples can make informed decisions about family planning, fertility treatments, and prenatal care, optimizing their chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.

Reduced Risk of Inherited Disorders:

Genetic screening helps identify carriers of genetic conditions such as cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, and sickle cell disease, allowing couples to assess the risk of passing on these disorders to their offspring and explore options for prevention and management.


Karyotyping is the first line genetic screening for major cases like Recurrent Pregnancy Loss,
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Carrier Screening

This test will help identify whether the couple is genetically compatible for conceiving and giving
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Infertility Panels

The infertility panels are more specific to address the problems of any individual with infertility
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Preimplantation Genetic Testing

When IVF patients undergo recurrent failures or abortions or when there is a known geentic
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Endometrial Receptivity Assay

When IVF patient undergo recurrent implantation failure, this test may be performed to identify an
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It is highly recommended to see a GC and have a deatiled discussion before opting for any of these tests.

At GeneAura, our dedicated team of genetic counselors and specialists are committed to providing comprehensive genetic diagnostic services in reproductive genomics to support individuals and families in achieving their reproductive goals while ensuring the health and well-being of future generations.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you on your journey towards informed reproductive decision-making.