![Image Title](https://wp.hixstudio.net/bioxlab/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/services-thumb-08.jpg)
Our mission is to ensure the generation of accurate and precise findings.
Contact Us Ta-134/A, Gulshan Badda Link +91 82484 08851 noreply@envato.comIt has been a long and a difficult journey curating this team in GeneAura, mostly because the field of genomics and proteomics lack manpower. In Fact it lacks awareness among the students and schools. To make up for this lacunae we aim to create skilled manpower for the benefit of the society and also of course for the student. Candidates skilled in advanced technologies of Genomics and bioinformatics are highly seeked by international job providers.
Our research and education department has expanded into iGAP (Institute of Genomics And Proteomics), to carry out its activities pertaining to students. Our team engages in active research attempting to study the most demanding research areas. We also conduct training and internship programs for graduate and undergraduate students. Our main focus for research and education programs are focused on the following topics:
We have conducted several internship programs for graduate and undergraduate students since March 2021. Our past online and Offline workshops have also gained enormous support and appreciation from students, faculty and research scholars from around the globe. We take utmost priority in communicating our scientific findings from research projects and internships in indexed journals which would benefit the students and the scientific community.
We are currently offering 3 batches: Spring, Summer and Winter. Please check the upcoming events for more details.
We provide practical exposure and discuss real time cases. For further details and registration, send a mail to genomics@geneaura.com