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What Is Multiomics?

CENTOGENE's multiomic approach integrates different data sets (omics) in a single test. In leveraging the most holistic insights, multiomics acts as a unique and highly effective tool for the early diagnosis of rare and neurodenegerative diseases. Empowering physicians to provide timely interventions and personalized treatments, a multiomic approach ultimately improves patient outcomes and alleviates the burdens of prolonged diagnostic odysseys.

Our cutting-edge genetic and multiomic testing are at the heart of what we do – helping to deliver life-changing answers to patients around the world.

Which Types of Omics Are Included in CENTOGENE's Multiomic Offering?


Genomics is the foundation that examines the genome to reveal inherited traits, disease risks, and genetic factors that result in disease. By using DNA sequencing, we are ale to cover the majority of disease causing variants.


Phenomics examines the complete set of observable symptoms and characteristics to understand their relationship with genetics and the environment. Using Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) terms, we are able to classify disease indicators, susceptibility to diseases, and response to treatments.


Transcriptomics captures a snapshot of the genes that are actively expressed in a given tissue (e.g. blood) at a particular time. Using RNA sequencing, we are able to identify the impact of splice variants.


Proteomics examines the complete set of proteins to provide valuable information about protein structure, function, and interactions. Using biochemical testing, we are able to have a deeper understanding of biological processes, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic targets.


Metabolomics examines a huge set of metabolites to capture a snapshot of cellular metabolism and providing information about the metabolic pathways. Using biochemical testing, we are able to measure and identify biomarkers of diseases.

CENTOGENE's Reproductive Health & Prenatal Tests

Prenatal Testing

Prenatal testing identifies disease-causing mutations in at-risk couples or pregnancies before birth and is offered for congenital or early-onset diseases. Prenatal testing is given the highest priority at CENTOGENE.

Carrier Screening

CentoScreen® is our carrier testing option that helps to asses if a healthy person is a carrier of a recessive genetic disease and. CentoScreen can help partners make informed decisions and choices regarding family planning.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing

CentoNIPT® is a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) that screens for the most common fetal chromosomal abnormalities – combining the latest NGS technology with expert medical reporting.