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Why PCOS is so concerning ?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects millions of women worldwide, and its impact extends far beyond just reproductive health. PCOS poses a significant concern due to its wide-ranging effects on both physical and mental well-being. Beyond the challenges of irregular menstrual cycles and fertility issues, PCOS increases the risk of developing serious health complications such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.. Additionally, the hormonal imbalances characteristic of PCOS can manifest in distressing symptoms like excessive hair growth, acne, and mood swings, profoundly affecting a woman's quality of life and self-esteem. Awareness about PCOS is crucial for early detection, proactive management, and mitigating associated health risks. By fostering understanding and support, we can empower individuals with PCOS to navigate their health journey effectively and advocate for comprehensive care that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of this complex condition.

How GeneAura differ ?

Unlike other conditions, PCOS exhibits a distinctive genetic underpinning characterized by a complex interplay of multiple genetic factors. Through comprehensive genetic research and molecular investigations, we have identified specific gene variants and pathways implicated in the pathogenesis of PCOS. These genetic variations encompass genes involved in hormone regulation, insulin sensitivity, and ovarian function, collectively shaping the phenotypic heterogeneity observed among individuals with PCOS. As each PCOS is unique, we treat every PCOS uniquely by personalised diagnostics, DNA based Diet, and precision medicine approaches tailored to address the unique genetic makeup of each PCOS.

Plans : Managing PCOS naturally

PCOS Package
1 Month

Root Cause Analysis

GGeneralised Weight management and Diet plan for PCOS

Identifying risk for PCOS symptoms

3 Month

PCOS genetic report

Correcting Nutrition

Personalised exercises for PCOS

Weight management

Detox plans

Correcting Irregular periods

Optional : Gut Microbiome

12 Month

PCOS genetic report


Personalised exercises for PCOS

Weight management

Detox plans

Regularising menstruation cycle

Mental health wellness

Treating Skin and Hair health

Optional : Gut Microbiome

15 Month

PCOS genetic report



Weight management

Detox plans

Regularising menstruation cycle

Mental health wellness

Gut Microbiome Test

Gut Health Analysis and treatment

Biochemical parameter Analysis

Treating Skin and Hair health

Regain Strength